Friday, 12 November 2010

Another new project

My list of projects I want to do is ever increasing with pretty much every blog I look at. There's some wonderful stuff being created out there. My 'new' thing at the moment is patchwork and quilting. Oh me, oh my, the quilts these fab ladies make are just to die for, I can only wish I'll be so accomplished to create something so lovely.

And this morning one of my projects on that list, one that I hadn't yet seen just the right fabric for is now one step further with Retromummy's annoucement of a giveaway from her store. The Sweet Broderie fabric she's on about is exactly what I've been after for MissM's quilt for her new bed. The colours are just gorgeous, and as the name suggests, sweet, just perfect for my little big girl.

I'm about to lose half an hour of my life scouring the rest of her store as her fabric choices are just so divine - I think I don't even care I'll be paying for postage from Australia - Ha!! 

Have a happy Friday Peeps!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

On the 11th hour...

of the 11th day, of the 11th month, we shall remember them.

As a soldiers wife, this is a rather poignant day for me. My mind is filled with the names and images for the people we have lost, some I know, most I don't. It's also a day where I am thankful. Thankful that I have my wonderful husband with me still somewhere in the world when there are wives I know that sadly, do not.

I will be marking the time rather unceremoniously today, at home alone, but I will bow my head and think about all those things and send a little prayer for the guys we have lost this year and in previous years. On Sunday I will be going to the parade to pay my respects.

Please take the time to remember, wherever you are, to give two minutes of your time for those that gave their lives is the least we can do.

Stand down Soldiers and Rest in Peace.

Monday, 8 November 2010

So, Germany

The latest going's on in our house (in between the tears, and the snot and the copious amounts of tea I've drunk to get me through that alone) is word of our new posting. Bielefeld, Germany.

Now, we asked for this, and waiting oh-not-so-patiently to be told we'd got it, and then we pestered a little bit more to get them to Just Tell Us where we were going. So, why now that we have been given exactly what we asked for am I have a leeeetle bit of a panic about it. Golly - the stuff that needs to be sorted to more 2 big people and 2 little people to another country, a country that I don't know all that much about, I mean, I can count to three in German, and say Yes and No, more than some, but it's not going to get me very far.  I just can't help thinking that a UK posting might have been a wiser choice...

But I don't have time to sit and moan about this, or to even work out how I feel about it as everything needs to be sorted by Febuary, and we have Christmas getting royally in the way of all that, so best get on with it. Hopefully in the next few weeks everything will be sorted and I can just enjoy out time left in good old Blighty and concentrate on not having a panic attack about living in a country where all the shops are shut on a Sunday.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Good deed

I was a Brownie (but never a Girl Guide) I know the importance of a good deed, Lend A Hand and all that. Sadly, when you become a Grown Up, there don't seem to be many genuine 'Good Deeder's' around. Today I came across one though. Penny of Alexander Residence gave me a bit of big up on BMB, and when I saw it it kind of filled my heart with joy, just because someone could be so nice as to take a little bit of her time to do something for me, what a star she is!

I have be toying with abandoning my blog altogether - I was finding the effort of making sure I had something of worth to write about hard to keep up with. I wasn't in a sharing mood and quite frankly come evening time when my day is done, I'm absolutely done too and it's all I can muster to sort myself out ready for bed. Oh, Oh woe is me!

But hey, it's not good for the soul to stay in the funk forever. Inactivity breeds inactivity and with that I'm going to give myself a kick up the bum, shake myself off and get back on the blogging wagon! First things first, I'm off to Penny's to give her a virtual hug for the gentle push in the right direction...

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Do you ever not feel like it? And by it, I mean anything? This week in particular I've found with each day my mo-jo has ebbed a little bit more and I now feel totally lacking in any motivation whatsoever.

I was full of the joys of...umm...autumn last week. I was enjoying getting the house sorted, had a few projects underway and was generally fairly bouyant. I was certainly much more tolerant of the children who this week I'm struggling with. Maybe it's the turning weather, or that I'm now two weeks into an 11 week stint of single-mum-som, or the teething 7 month old. I just feel so tired.

Blimey, I sound so fed up, even I'm fed up of how fed up I am, how's that for irony! haha!

So, here is my challenge, my one woman self motivated for the unmotivated challenge. I have written the to do list (it's oh-so-long) and I'm am getting stuck into it every lack lustre step of the way and I hope that with the spotless house, entertained children, kitchen full of groceries and projects completed I might find my mo-jo and feel like actually getting up in the morning instead of spending the day counting down till I can feasibly crawl back into bed. We'll see!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Are you listening?

Every Tuesday afternoon I go to a Healthy Families learning session. I don't really need to go, but they have a free creche and it's an hour and a half of time to myself and I get a hot cup of tea and a natter with a lovely bunch of ladies.

Yesterday we were discussing stress (I scored so high on their little test there wasn't a bracket for me - which is alarming, but y'know, I won't stress about it, ha!) personalities, despression etc, and where to go for help. It was a very insightful lesson and made me think a lot about I percieve myself, and how others do. I know I'm loud, and quite brash at times, and I'm ashamed to say that I'm one of lifes interrupters, not because I'm rude and think what I have to say is more important, but because I'm excited to say it. I've recently noticed this in myself and I'm trying to sit back and listen more. So it was rather apt that at the end of the session we were given this poem.

When I ask you to listen to me
And you start giving advice
You have not done what I ask

When I ask you to listen to me
And you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way
You are trampling on my feelings

When I ask you to listen to me
And you feel you have to do something to solve my problems
You have failed me, strange as that may seem
Listen! All I asked was that you listen, not talk or do - just hear me
Adive is cheap; ten cents will get you both
Dear Abbey and Billy Graham in some newspaper
All I can do for myself; I'm not helpless
Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless
When you do something for me that I can
And need to do for myself,
You contribute to my fear and weakness

But when you accept as a simple fact that I do feel what I feel
No matter how irrational
Then I quit trying to concince you and can get about the business
of understanding what's behind this irrational feeling

And when that's clear, the answers are obvious
And I don't need advice
Irrational feelings make sense
when we understand what's behind them

Perhaps that's why prayer works, sometimes for some people
Because God is mute, 
And he doesn't give advice or try to fix things
"They" just listen and let you work it out for yourself

So, please listen and just hear me, and if you want to talk
Wait a minute for you turn
And I'll listen to you

I don't know who it's by, so can't reference it, but it's rather profound and already today which helping out a friend I've had this poem in the back of my mind and I just listened and let her talk. I hope it helped.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

When the mind is willing, and the body is not

In fact, the mind is barely willing too.

It's a question of conditioning really. I need to get back into the swing of things. I am itching to get stuck into the quilt for BabyF, but come 8pm when I've done all I need to do with the kids, and all I want to do with the house, there just isn't enough juice left for me to do anything but mellow out on the sofa! Hopefully next week.

However, I can still make progress with the granny square cushion for MissM, only a few more to go and it's quite nice to take myself off to bed and hook myself to sleep (I don't get much done before sleep takes hold admittedly).

And that is exactly where I'm off to now.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Blogging: An Education

So, I am now a member of British Mummy Bloggers. Why didn't I find that place a couple of months ago at the beginning of my blogging journey? I would have found my feet so much quicker. I'm so far just trawling through the discussions trying to soak up as many tips as possible. I still very much trying to get to grips with all this, on the face on it, it seems I'm doing ok, but then I'll read something about blog hopping for example and think "whaaaaaaaaat?"!!

This blog, for me, serves as a memory. I'm not keen on just burting out the ins and outs of my day, but I try to find something of interest that I could write about. In the most part, my life can be pretty mundane, and certainly not photo worthy. But right now, it's a place to put the great moments of the day for the people that can't be here to share it with me, so do I include everything, what if there are too many great moments, do I still stick to the 'story'? Ack!

I know I've got a long way to go, I'm new to the community (and what a lovely community it is) so I'm just learning at the front of the class hoping that I'll get it eventually and people will like it.

We shall see.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Hasn't he grown

The past couple of days Fraser has definitely shown he's mastered his new skills. I cannot believe how quickly the last 6 months have gone, and am in awe of this little human being that can now sit and snaffled a biscuit (takes after his mama), crawl around and make my heart all but break with one of his belly laughs.

He absolutely loves his reflection, a little bit of vanity never did anyone any harm...

And isn't this just the cutest?

We're two days into being just the three of us, and so far, no problems to report despite Mr Fraser being in a grips of teething, bless him.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

A kiss goodnight, twice

I loathe the inconvenience of a dreamfeed, but love the peaceful serenity that envelopes the house during it, a time to sit and contemplate for a few minutes without distraction. Tonight I enjoyed it.

I always check on the children before I turn in for the night, I can't sleep unless it's been done. For Fraser it's a given, he needs a feed, but for Maddie I do it purely for the fact that I get to give her another kiss goodnight and to tell her I love her. And, I have also, for like, forever, given her two kisses, one for me, one for daddy, I do it instinctively when he's not here to do it himself. But it was only tonight that I noticed myself doing it, and tonight that I spent those few minutes of peace and quiet considering it.

Their father, who is a brilliant one at that, is away from them far too often. They are fine with it, Maddie less so because she's older, wiser, but still well adjusted to the coming and going nature of their pa. I find myself in the position of filling this massive void, I don't know whether I do it well enough, but I do it as well as I can and I suppose I should expect no more. I am grateful that when he's here, he is 100% here, he gives his all to his family and for that, the least I can do for him to to make sure that those kiddo's of ours get a goodnight kiss from us both, and know they're loved by us both. It's in my subconcious, isn't that weird?

I hope the two kisses make up for it...

And then there were three...

I'm riding solo again for a little while whilst Rich is in Belize stencilling things. We've been dealt a pretty shoddy set of cards this year with the amount he's been away and I'll be glad to see the back of it in a few months time. But enough of being melancholy....

The weather has turned grim. So with that, I dusted off the slow cooker and whipped up a stew yesterday and I have soup cooking away in it today. Yummy.

Doesn't it make you feel all warm just looking at it?

Also, with Rich going away I didn't want to hole myself away in front of the sewing machine, so made the most of being sofa bound for a few evenings by cracking on with the crochet. Thanks to my wonderful mum who gave me a quick lesson in granny squaring (is that a word? I think not) and away I went. I'm thrilled with how well they're turning out, and more so, to make something out of the lovely Debbie Bliss wool I've had kicking around from the disasterous attempt at making knitted building blocks. I won't have enough to make a large throw, so I think I'll do a cushion for M's bed and see what's left. I'm going to make blankets for the tent, to pretty up those ugly beds and sleeping bags. It's twee, I know, but I love it. 

Hooky Happy
I also couldn't resist the Halloween outfits when I went grocery shopping today, so Maddie and Fraser are kitted out for trick or treating now, she will be a cat, and he will be a vampire. I love love love them and can't wait to see them all dressed up, I will post some pics when they're in them. I have ordered a few decs too for the porchway, all that's left is the sweets (daren't buy them too far in advance, they'll get eaten) and the pumpkin carving -squeal!!!
Right, whilst the baby sleeps I'm going to stick on something trashy and crochet away to myself for a while. 

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Hooky hooky

So, on top of the million and one other things I have on the go, I've taken up crocheting. I've always been able to knit, but I've never once crocheted, didn't have a clue where to start. I'd kinda been toying with the idea, bought this book which remained unread for a while. Then I stumbled across this blog, Lucy, with her wonderfully colourful hooking and that she managed to create such beautiful things with a baby sat on her lap at the same time. So, with that in mind, I cracked open the book detemined to have myself a craft I could do without having to shut myself off from the world and children (well, sometimes I least!). I was on I think my fourth attempt of just doing a single crochet chain thing (I really don't have a clue about it, not one iota) that I decided that doing it from a book was not going to work. Fast foward to ten minutes of tuition from my mum and I was hooking myself away into granny square oblivion. I might not be able to do anything else yet, but I have a granny square, so I'm happy.

This weekend is mine and Rich's last weekend together for a little while so whilst we spent it visiting a few family members and have a weekend back home, we also courtesy of my mum got to spend a night away and boy, was it nice. Waking up when we were ready to, nigh on impossible at the moment, was just terrific and much needed.

A quick overview of the weekend was Debbie's. Lunch out. Friends. Chinese. Shopping. Lunch out, again. Night alone. Lie in - ahhh. Shopping. Ikea. Roast Beef. Crocheting. Drive home. Relax.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Summer. Done

We spent the afternoon today clearing out our garden, getting rid of all the bedding plants and just putting everything away. It looks so bare now after the lovely bright summer we had with it. Also this year we managed to get a fairly decent yeild from our crops. Chilli's were by the far the most successful, so much so, we're having to give them away, there is too much hot stuff there for one family that's for sure.

Here's the last pick of the season, not too bad

 Bald bed. This was full of cheap and cheerful annuals, but looked so pretty when in full bloom

It was a school day in our house today, which meant that it was much quieter than usual. We spent the morning doing a bit of research into the new car and came the conclusion we already had before we started, isn't it so annoying when that happens?!

I also finally got around to taking some decent pictures of the current projects. The light in the lounge this afternoon was lovely, so seems a shame to waste it. Downside being that I couldn't find the lead for the camera all afternoon which turned my excitment at sharing the pictures into annoyance. Who put it on the kitchen windowsill, for Christ sake?!

But here you are, the finished cushion cover. All I need is the cushion

 The results of my evening spent cutting up fabric, it's going to get pieced tonight hopefully, I can't wait!

Right, I'm off to burn off the curry from last night. I hate the gym, but I'm forcing myself, I'll feel better once it's over, that's for sure!!!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010


Up far too early and in fact, I don't need to be awake right now, hence I'm have a mooch around Blogland from the confines of my bed with my husband still in his slumber next to me. I can hear Maddie downstairs watching cartoons by herself (a recent introduction to stop us having to get up with her at 5.30am), it's strangly peaceful.

I quite like this time of day, where there are no requirements for my attention to the kids, the ringing phone, or the bland, lame television programme that someone else is watching, or just frankly, something else that I'm meant to be doing. If only I had a cup of tea....

My blog hasn't been very interesting of late, largely due to not much interesting happening. Craft wise, I'm as far as cutting all the squares of Fraser's quilt (I will take photo's I promise), it's at the good part now, where I can start to see it come together and I'm itching to get it done, so hopefully I'll have the time and energy at some point this week to get stuck into it. Aside from that, it's been fairly lack lustre.

But, do you know, I actually quite like it a little bit like that. I have so many periods in my life that are stupidly hectic, I take on too much without the neccesary resources (good old time and energy) and spend the whole time dropping the things I can drop but that usually matter most to me, good quality time with the kids, having a nice house, me. And I get myself so stressed out about it, I hate myself for doing it everytime when I vow that I'll just keep it simple, but I'm a yes person, what can I say?

I've been having a random pondering lately, about blogging and the such like. I follow a few blogs, all by incredibly interesting women who have wonderful families and create the most loveliest things. They are so open about their lives, and I find myself really enjoying that little snippet into their days, and mainly drooling over their gorgeous creations (If only I could be that good?). So in writing my own blog I have been encouraged to make sure there are worthwhile things happening in my world. I'm thankful to it for making me see the simpler things that are most worthy of a blog post - I do believe I wrote about my sparkley toes at one point, ha - but still I'm not quite 'there' with the sharing of it. Yup, I worked up the courage to pop it on my Facebook profile, but I'm not shouting from the rooftops about it, do I want the thought of people reading it to spur me on, but not actually let them read it yet? I'm not sure. So I carry on writing, to no one really about my life and maybe one day I'll let on about my secret and see what happens. Or, maybe I should just go for, put it and myself, entirely out there and....see what happens. But, oh God, what if no one reads it?

It's getting light outside now, which sadly means I'll have to make an appearence soon and start the frantic morning that is Getting Maddie To School. Till then I'm off to indulge in someone else's life for a little while before my own kick starts.

I will come back with pictures later on, pinky promise.

Monday, 20 September 2010

In short

Today I...

  • Found time for some cutting
  • Got all the laundry done
  • Lost 3lbs at Weightwatchers. A total of 17lbs in 8 weeks! 
That's it for today, not much else to report. 

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Lazy Sundays

Well, the glorious weather was as expected, shortlived. So, we chucked on easy clothes and just had an indoor day. For me it was wonderful, I spent a good few hours sat in the kitchen finishing off Maddie's patchwork cushion (my first attempt as patchwork and quilting, oh and inserting a zip!) and then took to the much more boring task of finishing off the alterations I was making to Rich's hat. Both turned out well, the hat was a bit of a bugger, much too fiddley for my liking and no where near pretty enough to be spending all that time on. I'll picture the cushion tomorrow when the light is better and stick it on here, I am rather proud of it.

And sparked by my creative afternoon I am getting stuck into Fraser's floor quilt. I was waiting for my rotary cutter before I attempted cutting all the hexagon's in the original pattern, but I'm itching to get on with it, I desperately want to see all those lovely fabrics stitched up, so I'm going for squares, and will cut them with plain old fashioned scissors, eeks!

It's been a lovely day recharging our batteries. I wish there could be more days like this where we can do the things we want to do, and not have to do.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

The housework can wait

Another beautiful day here. It was that nice I got 3 loads of washing out on the really is the simple things.

Since it was so lovely outside, it seemed a shame to be inside cleaning the house, so we decided to make the most of the weather and get out and about in it. The question was, where? I've wanted to get out to Stourhead since we moved here, but it was a bit pricey and far away for a couple of hours of wearing the kids out. A few other places were considered, all too far away and eventually we came back to a lovely local attraction, which turned out to be a very good choice as we had a wonderful time, all four of us.

Maddie spent a suitable amount of time running around to wear her out a little bit, and there was a good cafe that served a lovely brew which ended the walk nicely.

Snug as a bug

Climb every mountain climbing frame...

She posed for this, and as I took the shot her words were "did you get me? Can I see?" Vain? Surely not!


Friday, 17 September 2010

The sun shone today

We dug the bikes out today to brave our first, and probably last, bike ride of the year. We spent quite a few days out last year enjoying the good weather on our bikes. This year, not so much what with the whole newborn baby thing going on. Now that Fraser is 6 months old (yesterday, woohoo!) we felt he could be trusted in the trailer, strapped into his carseat, and he loved it, thank God!

The first 4 miles or so were really quite enjoyable, then Rich thought it wise to carry on a bit further, baring in mind the further we got from the car, the further we'd have to cycle back to it. My legs, arms and not to mention bottom are feeling the effects of every one of those 12 miles we eventually cycled, I am pooped. My grumbles aside though, I do so love spending time out in the sunshine with my wonderful little family. Maddie was a cherub on her trail along bike, and pedalled occasionally, when reminded to do so. And Fraser only gave off a few grizzles but quickly got the idea and fell asleep.

You can't really complain though, went you get to see this:

Some family pics

My daughter, no fear

Couldn't you just eat him?

Always time for a bit-o-cake!

Me, hurting, lots

I'm thoroughly looking forward to an evening of movies and munching through popcorn with the husband. Ahhh, well earned I think.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Baby shower

We threw one of my good friends a baby shower tonight at mine. PJ's, lots of yummy (naughty) food, and lots of chatting.

I've spent the last two days busy preparing for it, baking and sewing. And I've loved every minute.

After much umming and ahhing, I decided to keep my gift simple and practical, but still very beautiful if I do say do myself.

Monogrammed muslin

and the finished muslins wrapped with alphabet burp cloths (and a handmade ribbon tie too!) 

 Michelle was most certainly suprised at the baby shower we sprung on her, and given the cold and being all but 9 months pregnant did well to stay awake for the entire time. It was really lovely to get everyone together without the kiddies running around and just be grown ups for a little while, even if we were in our pyjama's. 

I ate too much though, even with the lack of dinner, and there are leftovers that I will try my hardest to resist. But it's hard when they look...

this good

Now, another project to add to the list since the burp clothes and muslins worked so well, I really do need some for Fraser, I already have the perfect fabric in my (mini) stash!! 

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Technology malfunction!

Don't you just hate when things that were working perfectly fine when you last used them break?

I (Rich) have spent much of this evening sorting out the laptop, which now thankfully works, and we've sadly had to re-format out memory card meaning the loss of quite a few pictures (yes yes, I know, we should have saved them as we went along, but life gets in the way).

Whilst on the subject of technology, it's been okay'd for me to get a new laptop, happy happy!!! So in a couple of weeks I shall have a shiny new piece of kit which is good the way this current one is giving up on us!

Be warned, this is a mushy sentimental bit, but I just need to say that my daughter is fantastic. Ok, she has her moments, but when she comes to me and announces that I am going to be sooooooo proud of her and show me...


her family. She's even drawn Fraser in my arms, love her. She was right, I am proud, bursting with it. How did my tiny little baby that just blew bubbles and slept turn into such a clever little thing. It's at times like that that this gig seems so worth it. {mush over}

Since it's waaay past my bedtime...over and out...!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Wash day, every day

I love days like today. The sun is shining, the kids are behaving themselves and the chores are done.

It leaves me with plenty of time to just sit and be, or do things that I love doing, rather than need to be doing.

So today I am organising my projects, what I want to do, when I can fit it in and most importantly what I need to buy for it.

On my (fun) to do list is:
  • Advent Calenders
  • Christmas Placemats
  • Red/Aqua quilt for the lounge
  • Quilt for M's bed (what sparked the quilting obsession)
  • Floor quilt for F (I already have the material for this, so that will be first)
There are untold other things I want to make, but I've enough to be getting on with for now. I also need to finish M's cushion cover, and make a few baby bits for a friend of mine.

Back to mentally spending £100's for me with a lovely cup of tea.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Jammies, Blanket and Trash

And by trash I mean the food kind, and the telly kind.

X-factor, strictly and chocolate, need I say more?!

I don't feel like it tonight, so a well deserved veg and normal service to resume tomorrow...

Friday, 10 September 2010

Learning curve

One thing that has come out of today that a) taking more pictures and b) taking more close up pictures, brings the realisation that all three (yes, 3!) of the camera's we have in the house are not up to the job. I drool over the pictures others take where they capture the colour of the moment perfectly, there isn't an ounce of blur (unless intentional) plus they actually get the picture rather than the hideous grimace the three year old pulls a nano second after flashing a beautiful smile.

I have been harping on, to everyone, about my want, and now apparent need, for a better camera, only problem is unless I win the lottery anytime soon, there are no such funds to buy me one. So, I'll continue harping on and hopefully one day I'll be able to take beautiful pictures and until that day I'll just lust after others and show you the few that I manage to take that are passable.

Aside from the camera melodrama, today is quite momentous. After quite possibly weeks of just *reading* about quilting, I've actually completed my first attempt at it. Ok, it's just a cushion cover, albeit a large one at 50cm square, but I started small. I'm really quite pleased with the results. The seams don't all match up, and there was quite a bit of unpicking to do along the way, but once I'd quilted it, the imperfections aren't nearly as obvious as I feared and I really do like it. Now to actually bind and back the thing, oh and find a cushion big enough to fill it and it'll be all done and ready for it's rightful place on Maddie's bed.

Here it is (apologies for poor light)

And a close up, which is blurry, do you see my plight? 

Thursday, 9 September 2010

So, here we go!

The new theme to the blog, just us, what I love.

Today was a lovely day, minus the 2+hrs spent at the gym. Today I have been marvelling my sparkly toes, not only because of their beauty but because I was so pleased to actually find time to make them so lovely - thanks Rich.

And even more wonderous vision was that of Rich and Maddie walking up towards The White Horse. She's such a little grown up now, and such a daddy's girl. We had fun running up and down the hills (more Maddie than us, admittadly) and flying the kite. It was blustery and sunny, the perfect weather for kite flying. We came up with the cobwebs blown away and the children worn out enough to make bedtime a breeze....breeze, geddit? :-)

My first attempt at quilting is going well (the craze that I've caught onto very late in the day, but that's sparked my creativity along with a *slight* obsession with blogs about quilting, ha!!) I managed an hours sewing today and really wish I could have fitted in more, but alas, time and in fact, energy say otherwise. I will take some pictures of my progress tomorrow when the light is better, and possibly have a finished top to show too.

I'll leave today with my two favourite things from today...

The pretty toes

Dinner with a smile

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

1 whole stone - corblimey!

Well, first target reached!! Yay!!

1 stone lost, fabby fab fab! Considering the cream tea and full english breakfast I snaffled over the weekend, I am really pleased with the 1.5lb loss this week. So much so I had a Chinese last night too as a little treat, as if the weekend's indulgences weren't enough.

This week, I have time for all my classes, so that's 5 workout classes, and I'll try and squeeze in a gym session on Friday afternoon too. However, a trip to Coventry, and a meal out on Friday might scupper the weight loss result next Monday, but we'll see.

Jeans are getting big, I'm becoming increasingly bored of pulling them up all.the.time, but I'm resisting the charms of the Fat Face and Boden catalogues just yet before I splurge on a new wardrobe.

I'm going to change the tone of my blog this week. It shouldn't just be about weight loss, this is a big journey I'm on, but if I make my whole life about it, I'll get bored. I did start a blog for the Neale's, but why do two, when can I just combine it all in one. I've been looking through a lot of other people's blogs of late, but it's just about their lives, first days at school, projects they're doing, things they've made etc etc, so I'll be incorporating a lot more now than just getting these lb's off, it'll make for more interestin reading (I hope) at the end of the day, Ha! 

Monday, 23 August 2010

Woop woop!

A loss, oh yes, a loss. And not a measly half a pound, a whole 1.5lbs. Joy, deep deep joy.

So, my 1 stone before the weekend is not impossible.

Let the torture begin!!!

Weigh day again

Is it me, or is it coming around a lot quicker with every week that goes by??

Well, Monday is here again, and with that, weigh day. I know tonight's weigh in is not going to be good. Despite there being no real blunder this week, I just don't 'feel' like I've lost anything. So, that then leaves my reward (1st stone) which is already booked for this weekend (Afternoon Tea) potentially a very premature reward, especially if I gain tonight. Lesson learnt: don't assume anything.

But, I'm not letting it get my down. I could spend the day stuffing my face making the most of this slip up and then get back to it tomorrow, but I'm not going to. I'm doing a bit of damage limitation, albeit as useless as that may be, am fingers crossed I won't have set myself too far back. And with a new week, comes a new frame of mind, I am going to track like a saint, and workout like a bitch and hopefully, beyond all hope, I shall get my 1st stone sticker, and then the afternoon tea may only be days early, instead of weeks.

We shall see....back later.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Tardy Post

How has it been nearly 3 weeks since my last post? Right, where was I...

Update: 11lbs lost. Back in pre pregnancy jeans. So, good!

Today is a tough day. Today I am craving stodge, a pizza and chocolate would go down very nicely right now (plus not to mention the best part of a bottle of wine!), but with weigh in less than 48 hours away and me sherking the run this morning, it's not wise. Rich is being my willpower, that and the internet and my knitting.

I'm meant to be at a stone on Monday, that was my aim, at the beginning of the week, it was possible, now, maybe not so. We'll see. I have promised myself an afternoon tea when at a stone, which is pencilled in for next week, I might have to cancel it.

I'll leave it at that today, if I manage to end it without totally spoiling myself I'll be amazed. :(

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


I need to always remind myself how good I feel after exercise.

Tonight's fun was Cheer Fit and Body Sculpt. Cheer Fit was fun, if a little twee (especially the pom poms, ha!) but it worked up a sweat which is the desired effect I suppose. Body Scuplt: no more than 5 minutes in and I wanted to stop, it was horrible, LOL. But I soldiered on in the mindset that all these squats, steps ups, lunge's will all be worth. I'm going to hurt tomorrow though, like buggery!!

I'm anxious about the next few days, out for meal tomorrow night, and meal and cocktails Friday night, I need to devise a plan so's I don't go over my points and I need to keep up the exercise. We'll see. I NEED to have a lose on Monday, I'm determined!! 

Monday, 2 August 2010

Weigh day

8 lbs off!!! Need I say more?

Monday night's treat has been 2 WW chocolate bars instead of the usual one with my cuppa. Well earned I think.

Here's to next week being as successful, my goal is 3lbs off.

Saturday, 31 July 2010

6 days in

Weigh day tomorrow and I can't wait.

I've deligently eaten well, tracked and exercised. I am really excited to know what the scales will read at the meeting.

It was back to the gym this week, and running. It's been a killer but I love the feeling of energy after exercise, and I know it's doing something as every muscle of my body hurts, but it's worth it.

Even a trip to London hasn't taken me off course, if anything, I didn't eat enough, but I could so easily have over indulged on the copious fast food options at the train station alone, but I didn't, I had a Diet Coke!

Just today and tomorrow to get through and the first week will be over. Two runs between then and now though....hmmm! 

Ready, Steady, Go...

So, after halfheartedly trying Weightwatchers over the last few months, losing an impressive 12lbs, then gaining a less so impressive 9, I took myself off to a meeting at the start of properly concentrating on getting this weight off!

At the meeting I meet my leader, Nichola, she a jovial bubbly person who I immediately feel will stand by me for every pound lost or gained and make sure if I slip off the wagon that I'll get back on. I stay for the talk too and am bouyed up with enthusiasm to stay focused that week and make sure the scales show a loss in a weeks time.

My thoughts on the 1st weigh in: "No comment". It's that bad. Really!

A brief stop off at the pub with Heather to disect the meeting and plan our game of attack for the coming week.

I am going to do this!!!