Friday, 17 September 2010

The sun shone today

We dug the bikes out today to brave our first, and probably last, bike ride of the year. We spent quite a few days out last year enjoying the good weather on our bikes. This year, not so much what with the whole newborn baby thing going on. Now that Fraser is 6 months old (yesterday, woohoo!) we felt he could be trusted in the trailer, strapped into his carseat, and he loved it, thank God!

The first 4 miles or so were really quite enjoyable, then Rich thought it wise to carry on a bit further, baring in mind the further we got from the car, the further we'd have to cycle back to it. My legs, arms and not to mention bottom are feeling the effects of every one of those 12 miles we eventually cycled, I am pooped. My grumbles aside though, I do so love spending time out in the sunshine with my wonderful little family. Maddie was a cherub on her trail along bike, and pedalled occasionally, when reminded to do so. And Fraser only gave off a few grizzles but quickly got the idea and fell asleep.

You can't really complain though, went you get to see this:

Some family pics

My daughter, no fear

Couldn't you just eat him?

Always time for a bit-o-cake!

Me, hurting, lots

I'm thoroughly looking forward to an evening of movies and munching through popcorn with the husband. Ahhh, well earned I think.

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