I've spent the last two days busy preparing for it, baking and sewing. And I've loved every minute.
After much umming and ahhing, I decided to keep my gift simple and practical, but still very beautiful if I do say do myself.
Monogrammed muslin
and the finished muslins wrapped with alphabet burp cloths (and a handmade ribbon tie too!)
Michelle was most certainly suprised at the baby shower we sprung on her, and given the cold and being all but 9 months pregnant did well to stay awake for the entire time. It was really lovely to get everyone together without the kiddies running around and just be grown ups for a little while, even if we were in our pyjama's.
I ate too much though, even with the lack of dinner, and there are leftovers that I will try my hardest to resist. But it's hard when they look...
this good
Now, another project to add to the list since the burp clothes and muslins worked so well, I really do need some for Fraser, I already have the perfect fabric in my (mini) stash!!
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