Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Do you ever not feel like it? And by it, I mean anything? This week in particular I've found with each day my mo-jo has ebbed a little bit more and I now feel totally lacking in any motivation whatsoever.

I was full of the joys of...umm...autumn last week. I was enjoying getting the house sorted, had a few projects underway and was generally fairly bouyant. I was certainly much more tolerant of the children who this week I'm struggling with. Maybe it's the turning weather, or that I'm now two weeks into an 11 week stint of single-mum-som, or the teething 7 month old. I just feel so tired.

Blimey, I sound so fed up, even I'm fed up of how fed up I am, how's that for irony! haha!

So, here is my challenge, my one woman self motivated for the unmotivated challenge. I have written the to do list (it's oh-so-long) and I'm am getting stuck into it every lack lustre step of the way and I hope that with the spotless house, entertained children, kitchen full of groceries and projects completed I might find my mo-jo and feel like actually getting up in the morning instead of spending the day counting down till I can feasibly crawl back into bed. We'll see!


  1. Wow Amy when you posted on my blog you were on your own I had no idea you meant 11 weeks! And there was me complaining about a week. I find my motivation ebbs away totally when I am holding the fort. Sometimes I find if I slack off the to do list, let the kids watch some tv so I can have some daytime peace, treat myself (wine bath, sofa, chocolate, crap tv), well then sometimes I get motivated again! Good luck :)
    Penny x

  2. Keeping up with anything single-handed and involving kids is a truly tiring task. It sounds like finding children entertainment, sleep, and getting things done will help. I find it so empowering when I tick off something from my 'to do' list. Here's hoping you re-find your mo jo and feel a little more rested :)


  3. Hi Amy, spent ages typing a long comment than it dissappeared when I signed into my blogger account.
    Anyway gist of it was Yes I frequently get like that but this week is a doing week, catching up on orders rather than chasing opportunities that never amount to much.

    Kerry x


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