Up far too early and in fact, I don't need to be awake right now, hence I'm have a mooch around Blogland from the confines of my bed with my husband still in his slumber next to me. I can hear Maddie downstairs watching cartoons by herself (a recent introduction to stop us having to get up with her at 5.30am), it's strangly peaceful.
I quite like this time of day, where there are no requirements for my attention to the kids, the ringing phone, or the bland, lame television programme that someone else is watching, or just frankly, something else that I'm meant to be doing. If only I had a cup of tea....
My blog hasn't been very interesting of late, largely due to not much interesting happening. Craft wise, I'm as far as cutting all the squares of Fraser's quilt (I will take photo's I promise), it's at the good part now, where I can start to see it come together and I'm itching to get it done, so hopefully I'll have the time and energy at some point this week to get stuck into it. Aside from that, it's been fairly lack lustre.
But, do you know, I actually quite like it a little bit like that. I have so many periods in my life that are stupidly hectic, I take on too much without the neccesary resources (good old time and energy) and spend the whole time dropping the things I can drop but that usually matter most to me, good quality time with the kids, having a nice house, me. And I get myself so stressed out about it, I hate myself for doing it everytime when I vow that I'll just keep it simple, but I'm a yes person, what can I say?
I've been having a random pondering lately, about blogging and the such like. I follow a few blogs, all by incredibly interesting women who have wonderful families and create the most loveliest things. They are so open about their lives, and I find myself really enjoying that little snippet into their days, and mainly drooling over their gorgeous creations (If only I could be that good?). So in writing my own blog I have been encouraged to make sure there are worthwhile things happening in my world. I'm thankful to it for making me see the simpler things that are most worthy of a blog post - I do believe I wrote about my sparkley toes at one point, ha - but still I'm not quite 'there' with the sharing of it. Yup, I worked up the courage to pop it on my Facebook profile, but I'm not shouting from the rooftops about it, do I want the thought of people reading it to spur me on, but not actually let them read it yet? I'm not sure. So I carry on writing, to no one really about my life and maybe one day I'll let on about my secret and see what happens. Or, maybe I should just go for, put it and myself, entirely out there and....see what happens. But, oh God, what if no one reads it?
It's getting light outside now, which sadly means I'll have to make an appearence soon and start the frantic morning that is Getting Maddie To School. Till then I'm off to indulge in someone else's life for a little while before my own kick starts.
I will come back with pictures later on, pinky promise.