Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Normal service resumes

Anyone else's house look like the Tasmanian Devil took a shortcut through it on his path of devastation?

I couldn't even make the house look presentable this morning, it was that untidy. What gives?!

But, it's also amazing what can be achieved in an hour whilst your baby is sleeping. But he is now awake chatting in his cot and I am only halfway through my morning coffee which I just know I'm not going to get to finish now. 

It was a lovely break, having my husband home for two weeks, but it's back to the grind and trying to get me and my little ones back into routine again, I might even have to make myself a schedule and get super dooper organised. We'll see.


1 comment:

  1. So nice when Daddy's are home :-) I am off to clean up my house (it's 12.15am here....) It's easier when they are all in bed :-)


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