Sunday, 18 September 2011

Getting on with it.

Ever have something hanging over your head? Something you keep telling yourself to get on with but for some reason you never do.

I'm one for making all kinds of excuses for not doing something, then finally out of somewhere I give myself a swift kick up the arse and get it done. And do you know what, it's way easier than envisaged. The baby did have a decent length nap, the bigger baby did play nicely with the occasional cartoons, my sewing machine isn't that difficult to bring up from the cellar. Rubbish excuses. 

I managed 3 hours of sewing in ONE AFTERNOON, with two children under my sole care and I finished the quilt top I had started in the new year. I'm rather impressed with myself, and annoyed that I was such the procrasinator, but nevermind. 

I only wish I could put more about it on here, but it's a secret for now, until it's completely finished and belonging to it's recipient. 

In other news, my Sarah Jane fabric arrived, yippee! And I'm cutting into it today. Double yippee!! 

Amy xx

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Weekend shopping

I had the pleasure of taking a few hours out of family life to go shopping and lunching with a friend of mine. Both of us were well aware of the luxury it was to not have the kids with us and made the most of browsing a few shops and sitting in the sunshine eating a delicious lunch of bruschetta and washing it down with a beer (hic!) or two. Absolute unbridled luxury!

The purpose of the trip was to source me some buttons for Fraser's just completed Aran cardigan, I didn't get any. And to get my friend some wool for her second ever project as a knitter, she didn't get any either. But did I mention the lunch and the beer? Yes? So all was not lost!

I did make one purchase, intended for bunting in the kitchen but having seen Camille Roskelly's blog post for the Moda Country Fair, I quite fancy a washing up liquid apron.  

Here in Germany there is a novel rule that means shops aren't to open on a Sunday. A complete pain when you're out of this, that or the other, but really it allows for Sunday's to be spent doing the more slower and enjoyable things. Walks in the park, swimming with the kids, or like this weekend, a quick wander around the local Trodel Markt (car boot sale, or flea market I suppose). I go every now and again hoping for something pretty to jump out at the me, the last couple of times I've been looking for something specific, a fold out sewing box. And today I found one, and at 13euro (it is so annoying my keyboard doesn't have a euro sign) it was a steal.

I have grand plans for this little baby. Spraying it white, and the knobs will be red polka dot. I would love to line the bottoms of the compartments with Cath Kidston Chintz wallpaper, but simply can't justify the cost, so I'm still searching for what to do with that. I've also got a little list of things I want to put in my new (to me) pretty sewing box. Now that I think about it, it might not be so much of a steal as I first thought. Oh well.

But now, after the sunshine, it's raining, the husband is out getting muddy somewhere, the kids have a party to attend around the corner and I have a lasagne to finish off, so I had better get on.

Till next time folks. Amy xx

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Summer Wrap up Weekend

Hi there folks, would you look at that!?! It's been a while :whistle:

I can't pinpoint the reason for my straying from here, nor can I say why I'm feeling the blog love again but I am! Isn't it good?

This weekend has been a corker. We had a visit from an old friend of ours who was on an unreal trip of 16 countries in 16 days. We met him when him and my husband were posted together, my daughter was a year old and he was great with her then, and now she's nearly 5 and we've not seen him for ohh (counts on fingers) two, maybe 3 years and is still great with her. Not to mention the little man, who is definitely a fan!

Our last (and shamefully only 2nd) barbecue of the summer was a success. It was a joy to have friends old and new around and that the little ones played nicely well into the night. Sadly, or not, there are no pictures of our inebriated antics.

The lads that we had staying were off on the next leg of their trip come Saturday, so a hearty breakfast of egg and bacon muffins and tea on tap was had to remedy the night before. My husband relived his youth a little by joining them for a quick go around the local go-karting track and he had a little co-driver with him too. She managed the noise and the jigging about well, and my husband was pleased to not come in last. Happy days!

Sunday turned out to be a wet and miserable day. We stayed in our pyjamas and drank lots of tea and coffee, had a lazy lunch and my better half rustled us up our sunday dinner of roast chicken. It would have been blissful had it not been for the fairly constant whinging from the biggest mess maker that she was bored, but that was easily sorted by setting up a 'cinema' in her bedroom by way of in car DVD players and the curtains being drawn. We raided the sky+ planner and I set to my crochet of hearts.

 Weekends here are a relaxed affair. This weekend was just how we liked it (although today's rain wouldn't have been missed...) I hope you've enjoyed your weekend. I have.
